Emily Pitts - HE Career Adviser and Entrepreneur
"Towards the end of 2014 I planned a trip to Africa to run a marathon and to climb mount Kilimanjaro. Rebecca supported me with a nutrition plan and diet advice for the trip, as I was away from easy access to food for a number of days and wanted help to work out the best way to stay healthy and fit enough to undertake these two gruelling activities.
"Rebecca's advice and support really was amazing. She gave me so much information to help me make an informed choice about what the best things were to take with me from the UK and what food I could source in Africa. I really feel that her work with me helped me to achieve my two goals of running 26.2 miles in 32 degree heat with blistering sun and reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro.
"The most useful was information about sources of protein - some of them I really didn't expect. The other things that she did well was adapt her consultation to my needs, being really realistic about what I would and wouldn't be able to do diet-wise whilst in a place without electricity at times.
"Thank you, Rebecca."