Sport nutrition is a fast-growing field of knowledge, and having specialised in this field and worked with elite and Olympic level athletes I can offer nutrition support for your sporting endeavours - whatever the level.
Have a race to run? A new training programme? Want to be able to put in more effort in those training sessions? Or strive to reach your full fitness potential?
Sports for which I have provided nutrition support include:
- Running
- Biking
- Triathlon
- Team sports
- Winter sports - contributed articles to Climb Magazine, Tracks and Trails
- Climbing - including the GB Bouldering Team and World Cup winner Shauna Coxsey, pro climber Mina-Leslie Wujastyk and coach, instructor and former GB team member Katherine Schirrmacher
- Ultra races - including developing a nutrition strategy for world champion William Sichel and contributing articles to Lakeland 50 & 100 and LYOFOOD
- Multi-stage races
How I can help
- Nutrition strategies for training
- Nutrition strategies for competition/race day
- Body composition assessment
- Periodising nutrition to your short term and long term training and sport goals
- Day to day eating to support sporting demands and optimise health
What to expect
Depending on your budget I can offer a range of packages or a one-off consultation to help you start to take steps towards achieving your sporting goals. Consultations can be carried out in person or via Skype or FaceTime.
As required I can carry out food diary analysis, provide education and tools to help you make changes towards your goals and provide resources such as shopping lists, meal plans and menu plans. I am also happy to attend training sessions to observe and provide practical hands-on advice, supermarket tours, or practical cooking and recipe sessions.
I can also provide tailored group workshops and lectures for sports teams, clubs or groups. Previous clients include:
- Women's Climbing Symposium 2013, 2015 & 2016 - delivered nutrition workshops for women climbers at the annual WCS; topics covered included strength nutrition for women, day to day nutrition for climbing, nutrition and goal setting
- NICAS (provided a nutrition workshop to climbing coaches as part of the official National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme at their their bi-annual Seminar 2015 at Plas-y-Brenin - video here, my section at 1'07)
- Triathlon England North West Region - delivered nutrition workshops to triathlon coaches to help them inform their athletes on day to day nutrition for Triathletes
- British Association of Snowsport Instructors (BASI) - wrote and delivered quarterly lectures on nutrition for winter sports on the former common theory BASI course
- Presented climbing workshops on day to day nutrition for climbers at The Climbing Academy Glasgow, and for the youth squad at Mile End Climbing Wall
Please get in touch for further information or to book a consultation.
Working with the GB Bouldering Team - my segment starts at 55 seconds
Climb Magazine - Five top tips for mountain nutrition
Climb Magazine - How fat do you need to be?
Climb Magazine - Supplements: do they really work?
UKClimbing - Let's talk E numbers: climbing nutrition
LYOFOOD - Nutrition tips for ultra distance runners
Katherine Schirrmacher - Spending the day with performance dietitian Rebecca Dent
Lakeland 50 & 100 - The periodisation of nutrition, what to eat and when